This spring, I am starting a podcast that will explore the topic of humanized education. To help me get started, I am seeking current 2- and 4-year college and university students over age 18 who are willing to have a 30-60 minute conversation with me (online in Zoom). In the conversations, I will aim to understand the students’ life experiences prior to college and their experiences as students in higher education. In general, I’m seeking:
- Some of the challenges undergraduate students face before and during college
- Descriptions of learning experiences that leave students feeling inspired and transformed
- How and under what conditions inspirational learning experiences occur
I have set aside one hour each workday in November (except for Tuesday-Friday of Thanksgiving week) for these conversations. Up to 4 students may participate in each conversation. I would be grateful if you would share this post with any friends or family members who may be interested in participating or who may know of others who’d like to participate.
–> If you are currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at a 2- or 4-year college or university student, please click here to sign up for a conversation with me in November.
After signing up, participants will be sent a consent form and a Zoom link.
Thank you in advance for your interest in and support of this project.