Thank you for inviting me to share my work with you. As you continue to reflect on our time together, I hope these ideas resonate with you and you fold one concept or strategy into your teaching. These are trying times for us all. Do your best and check in with yourself daily. Give yourself grace and do the same for your students.
Teaching online is a lot like building a skyscraper. It’s a lot of work and takes time. Each term, aim to build a new floor. And remember to look down and celebrate how far you’ve come.
Let’s stay connected on Twitter!
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Liquid Syllabus Resources
Pacansky-Brock, M. (2021). The liquid syllabus: An anti-racist teaching element. Colleague 2 Colleague Magazine, 1(15).
Pacansky-Brock, M., Smedshammer, M., & Vincent-Layton, K. (2020). Humanizing online teaching to equitize higher education. Current Issues in Education, 21(2).
Pacansky-Brock, M. (2017). Best practices for teaching with emerging technologies, (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Pacansky-Brock, M. (2014, August 13). The Liquid Syllabus: Are you ready?, [blog post].
Pacansky-Brock, M. (2020). How to Create a Liquid Syllabus, [self-paced course].